Life Changing Knowledge: #2

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  • The first thing I wanted to write about today is this sudden insight into an old saying. Then again, only an equestrian would put it together. The saying: "I got it straight from the horse's mouth". The implication: I got my info from the origional source. Where it came from: Waaayyyyy back when people used horses instead of machines, a horse trader would try to trick people into buying an older horse by telling them the horse is younger. Well, we horse-savvy people know that you can tell how old the horse is if you look at their teeth, which consequently are in it's MOUTH! So the seller is telling the buyer that the horse is in the prime of its life, only 10 years old! Well, after a quick peek in it's mouth, the buyer see's that that 'young' horse is in reality 20ish. And where did he get that information? Straight from the horse's mouth!!!
  • Secondly, I have a question I've been wanting to ask for years. Why don't people make eye-contact anymore? Walking down the halls of school, if there's someone coming at you from the opposite direction, the most probable thing they will be looking at is the floor. What happened to looking at people, saying hi, aknowledging existence? I always look at who's in the hall with me, say hi when i know the person, and generally try not to hide in annonymity. Anyone have any insight into that?


cwmaria08 said...

Wow! That's so cool! I didn't know that about horses. You're so smart. =)

I've noticed that too! In Italy every one made eye-contact and at first it was very weird. After I got used to it, the American eyes to the floor is quite odd. I usually look at people but then if they look back, it's like they're thinking "Why are you looking at me creep?" and that makes me want to look at the floor. But I acknowledge existence and smile. =)


cwzane08 said...

Hmm, never thought about that. Perhaps this is where the "Never look a gifthorse in the mouth" phrase came from. Like dont question the person whos giving you stuff, and JUST TAKE THE STUFF! Anyway. Interesting blog, and I really DO NOT like it when people look away from me as they talk. Its quite disrespectful. A very Informative and philosophical blog!

Michael Mysophiliac said...

I had the same problem, I had to rewrite the whole first post. At least I could improve on what I already knew I said, right? My birthday is the day after yours. Although, I'll be nineteen. I didn't really catch a fierce edge to you, more of a tough speaker, though. I guess they're more than likely one in the same. You see, the trick when you're the only one doing work is to throw everyone's stuff they leave around in their room.

I wouldn't consider myself dark. I'm very blunt. I have a soft and likable demeanor. I don't indulge in anything that would cause confrontation. If you do start to notice, you'll see my depth is in my simplicity. Thanks for the comment, by the way!

CWJess08 said...

Thats so interseting! I feel like I got smarter haha.

And I noticed the eye thing as well, it is really weird. Im not sure if people are just afraid to look around, or afraid that they'll see someone that they dont like. I know that I always make eye contact with people, even if they're not looking at me, because I feel like I'm being rude if I dont. You're so right!