
4:13 AM Edit This 5 Comments »
Heyyy. So two days ago was Thanksgiving! The turkey was delicious, the mashed potatoes melted in my mouth, and the pumpkin pies (that I made, totally and completely) were heavenly. I went up to my cousin's house in Hillsborough, and everyone was home from college. It was great seeing everyone. But: where there is a family gathering, there is the inevitable family gossip. UGH.
I drove up there, and in the first ten minutes, I made a bad traffic-related decision(yellow lights, red lights, green lights, they're all relative right? lol) then in one intersection that I'd never driven before, the lanes are all jumbled and I couldn't tell which was turn and which was straight. You know that expression, 'Everybody HATES a backseat driver'? Yeah. My mom was screaming at me from the back seat, "WRONG LANE! SPEED UP OR YOU'LL NEVER MAKE THE LIGHT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? SLOW DOWN FOR GOD'S SAKE!! WHY DID YOU TRY TO MAKE THAT LIGHT?!? YOU WERE OUT OF CONTROL! PULL THE CAR OVER IMMEDIATELY!!" -all in a matter of maybe, 20 seconds. Generally, I'm a good driver, but with her screeching in my ear, anyone would get distracted. Good Lord. For the rest of the hour and twenty minute trip, I was the model of cautious, defensive driving. But, the only thing that was told was, WE NEARLY DIED! ...Feeding the gossip mill.

Shadow a Teacherr

10:42 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
Today is Shadow a Teacher dayy!! I'm shadowing Mme. Gertner, my french III teacher. So far we've had three classes, french one and two. Thus proved the reason why I will never be a french teacher. I was almost completely lost. The end!

riding: a contemplation

10:13 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
Soo that's me, coming out of a jump(which you can't see). My form is beautiful and Mazzy is on the correct lead, plus she's bent to the right, so I'm happy. On the other hand, way in the background there, 'Stacy' is sitting there on Chalky, chilling in horrible form. But thats okay, because he's standing still.

This is a tribute to Cory, my first love, who had a stroke and died in April of 2007. He had an animated trot, but once you found your rythem it was hard to be unbalanced. His canter was like riding in an especially well-sprung car, smooth as well-made glass. He had a tendency to hop over jumps, not jump them, but 'hop'. One of his many quirks that I loved. He taught me so much in the nine months that I knew him, and he will always be remembered. His bridle is still hanging in the tack-room, under his name, so I know that I'm not the only one to remembers and misses him. At CR, we have seen many horses come and go, but Cory was incredibly special to me. He is always in my heart and will always have been my first [equine]love.


5:55 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
today, i worked straight through the day. no stop. I was up at 9 then completely cleaned my room, like, immaculately, so I can bring in my winter clothes. Then i had to make dinner and after I got that going I cleaned my mom's room, bathroom, and office. I get $20 for cleaning my mom's stuff, so that's good. But this is the first rest I've had all day. And the last 3 days I've been sick and bed-ridden. ugh. Oh, and I washed, dryed, and folded three loads of laundry. So needless to say i'm hungry, and i'm going to go eat now. Au Revoir!