riding: a contemplation

10:13 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
Soo that's me, coming out of a jump(which you can't see). My form is beautiful and Mazzy is on the correct lead, plus she's bent to the right, so I'm happy. On the other hand, way in the background there, 'Stacy' is sitting there on Chalky, chilling in horrible form. But thats okay, because he's standing still.

This is a tribute to Cory, my first love, who had a stroke and died in April of 2007. He had an animated trot, but once you found your rythem it was hard to be unbalanced. His canter was like riding in an especially well-sprung car, smooth as well-made glass. He had a tendency to hop over jumps, not jump them, but 'hop'. One of his many quirks that I loved. He taught me so much in the nine months that I knew him, and he will always be remembered. His bridle is still hanging in the tack-room, under his name, so I know that I'm not the only one to remembers and misses him. At CR, we have seen many horses come and go, but Cory was incredibly special to me. He is always in my heart and will always have been my first [equine]love.


cwmaria08 said...

Aww, Cory is so handsome. The pictures are great too, I like the blurry effect. How did you only color you and Mazzy in the first picture?

Thanks, yeah I wrote it as my last creative writing story. To get music you just have to go to playlist.com, create a playlist, and copy the code into a post.