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-So today, I was standing in the shower and was just letting my mind wander. I ended up thinking about Eve and the apple. So then I start thinking about how, if she had just left it alone like God said to, we(women) would have life a lot easier. A LOT. So then what runs though my mind? Geeze Eve, couldn't you just have said no to the apple? God said not to eat it, so how hard is it not to eat it?!?! If He says do or don't do something, its really not that hard to obey!!
-Immediately following that thought came this one: God also says not to lie, not to steal, not to covet, but you don't have any trouble doing those things, do you? You're just as bad. You are in no position to be criticizing Eve, when you're doing the exact same thing. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. So, that really made me think. And its making me think right now. We're a great lot of hypocrites, we are. Constantly critisizing others, while omitting the fact that well, we've been there and done that too.
-Especially now, with the elections coming up on November 4th. Talk about name-calling, fact-omitting, slimy-schemed people in the public eye. I'm in no way saying that I'm well versed in the current political situation, but I also know that the candidates havent been A-1 examples of honesty either. Especially since they're in the public, in the press and news, and their actions will be used as examples. Well, Obama said it on TV and Palin made this gesture during a debate, so it must be okay. That kind of thinking makes me mad.
-Oops, got off the subject. I didn't mean to go into politics, but it was such a perfect example. Anyway... I think that everyone needs to start examining themselves and their lives a bit more closely, and critisizing others less. Really... we live in a society that does not applaud when people change for the better(for the most part), but also does not condemn when people change for the worse. The feeling of indifference and apathy permeating the attitudes of people all around the world, permits the 'blind-eye'. The first step towards creating a better society lies not in focusing on changing others, but instead is really focusing on changing ourselves for the better. Once this concept sinks into our abnormally thick skulls, maybe we have a chance at peace.
-In short, stop pointing at other people, and remember this quote, because it rings so true: "Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect, and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean" -Bob Marley