
9:30 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
So Tuesday I went to the barn, to cover for another of the working students who couldn't make it. It was 35 degrees(!!), windy, and snowing/sleeting. Needless to say I was cold. Linda was so grateful to me for coming out that day(I don't know why, I was just covering for another girl) that she kept thanking me, and thanking me, and thanking me. She even let me get up to ride for a bit when I had a free moment. I got up on Strider, whom I had never ridden before, and the first words out of my mouth were, " HOLY MOLEY!!". Strider was amazing. He has a bit of a hitch in his walk, but it's nowhere near uncomfortable. I gave him a little squeeze to ask him to trot, and what did he do? He picked up the most collected canter I have ever seen, felt, or ridden. I would have just let him go at it, but it was cold outside, he hadn't been warmed up, so his muscles were still stiff, and I couldn't let him hurt himself bu straining a muscle or something. so i brought him down to a trot, which was so smooth I didn't even realize we were trotting. It was smoother than any other horse's walk. amazing, right? So we trotted around the ring a few times, he kept trying to canter but i wouldn't let him. Then about 5 minutes after I had gotten up, the girl arrived who had a lesson on him. So I got off, but we had to take him off of the hackamore and put him in a halter and clip-on's. Apparently, I heard later, that he kept trying to canter. So Jen(the instructor) had to put the girl, who was about 5ish, I'd guess, on the lunge line. After I got home that night, I remembered why I quit being a working student on school nights. After getting up at 5:30 to go to school, being in school for 6 hours then going straight to the barn and staying there for 4 hours, doing hard, physical work. So when I got home around 7:30, all I wanted to do was eat a hot dinner, take a hot shower, and go to bed. But, alas, I still had to do all of my homework. Thank goodness my working student day is now Fridays. TGIF!!